Consider a machine with a 2-way set associative data cache of size 64 Kbytes and block size 16 bytes. The cache is managed using 32 bit virtual addresses and the page size is 4 Kbytes. A program to be run on this machine begins as follows:
The size of double is 8 Bytes. Array ARR is located in memory starting at the beginning of virtual page 0xFF000 and stored in row major order. The cache is initially empty and no prefetching is done. The only data memory references made by the program are those to array ARR.
Blocks offset = 4 bits
Set index = 11 bits
=> Number of TAG bits = 32 - ( 11 + 4 ) = 17 bits
Size of TAGs in the cache directory = #cache blocks x #TAG bits = 2
12 * 17 = 2
2 * 2
10 * 17 =
68 Kbits
72. Answer
Page Size = 4 KB
Number of elements that fit in a page = 4 KB/8 B = 2
9 elements
Number of elements in any row of the array = 1024 = 2
10 elements
Number of words in an array element = 8 B/1 B = 8 words.
Two main memory addresses will be mapped to the same cache set if they have the same bit pattern for the
Set Index bits.
The address where array element
ARR[0][0] is stored is
0xFF000 or 0x000FF000 since the address is a 32bit address[8*4]. The bits
4 - 14 in the address correspond to the
Set Index from the calculation in Q 71.
0x000FF000 = 00000000000011111111000000000000 - (1)
0x00107000 = 00000000000100000111000000000000 - (2)
0x000FF000 - 0x000FF00F have the same
Set Index bits. There are sixteen addresses in this range each corresponding to one word. Since each array element takes up 8 words, this address range can store only two elements,
ARR[0][0] & ARR[0][1]. So these two elements map to one of the 2 ways [
each way is one cache block = 16 B] of some set
k in the cache.
The next address for which the Set Index bits are the same is
The number of addresses/words between these
(1)&(2) = 2
The number of array elements that can be stored in this address range = 2
15/8 = 2
12 = 2
2 * 2
=> 4 rows can be stored in this address range. So the last address,
0x00107000, will store
So the first element of every 4
th row will map to the same cache set.
73. Answer
Number of elements in the array ARR = 1024 * 1024
Size of an element of type double = 8 B
=> Number of elements that fit in a cache block = 16 B/8 B = 2 doubles or two array elements
The sequence of accesses generated by the
for loop is
ARR[0][0], ARR[0][1], ARR[0][2], ... , ARR[0][1024], ARR[1][0], ARR[1][1], ARR[1][2], ... , ARR[1][1024], ... , ARR[1024][0], ARR[1024][1], ARR[1024][2], ... , ARR[1024][1024]
Initially, cache doesn't contain any array elements. The access for
ARR[0][0] creates a
cache miss which loads a block of data from main memory. Since two array elements can be accommodated in a cache block,
ARR[0][1] is also brought into the cache. So the access for
ARR[0][1] results in a
cache hit. Again
ARR[0][2] will be a
cache miss which results in
ARR[0][3] being a
hit and so on.
Once the cache becomes full, existing cache blocks get replaced by the new blocks being brought into the cache, again with the same hit/miss pattern.
The cache access for half of the array elements will result in a
miss and the other half will be a
hit. So the cache hit ratio for the given initialization loop is