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1. MST_PRIM(G, cost, root)
2. for each vertex u ∈ V[G]
3. do Key[u] <- ∞
4. Pred[u] <- NIL
5. Key[root] <- 0
6. Q <- V[G] // create a priority queue of the vertices
7. while Q ≠ φ
8. do u <- EXTRACT_MIN(Q)
9. for each v ∈ Adj[u]
10. do if v ∈ Q & (cost(u,v) < Key[v])
11. then Pred[v] <- u
12. Key[v] <- cost(u,v)
Key[v] -> minimum weight of any edge connecting v to a vertex in the tree
Pred[v] -> parent of v in the tree
Q -> min priority queue of all the vertices that are not in the tree
Initially, A = { (v, Pred[v]) : v ∈ V - {root} - Q }
Finally, A = { (v, Pred[v] : v ∈ V - {root} } // Q is empty
1. MST_KRUSKAL(G, cost)
2. A -> φ
3. for each vertex v ∈ V[G]
4. do MAKE-SET(v)
5. sort the edges of E into non-decreasing order by weight
6. for each edge (u,v) ∈ E taken in non-decreasing order by weight
7. do if FIND-SET(u) ≠ FIND-SET(v)
8. then A <- A ∪ { (u,v) }
9. UNION(u,v)
10. return A
MAKE-SET(x) -> creates a new set (tree) whose only
member is x (creates disjoint sets)
UNION(x,y) -> unites the dynamic sets that contain x & y,
say Sx & Sy into a new set that is the union of these two sets
Sx & Sy are assumed to be disjoint prior to this operation
FIND-SET(x) -> return a pointer to the representative of the set
containing x (here the root of the tree to which it belongs to)